Thursday, March 03, 2011

Repressing your anger can affect your health

-- Source of Information : by  Mita Bhan --
Here are a few techniques that have been recommended by ancient gurus, alternative healing experts and psychologists which may help you release anger
The wise men tell us for every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness. And if there’s resentment brewing within, then good health as well. One of the most toxic energies, repressed anger can lead to tense muscles, headaches, fatigue, hypertension, acidity and in later stages arthritis among other ailments. Resentment works as a slow poison into our system. Though our anger and bitterness may be directed at someone else the ill effects are felt only by us.
Anger is like any other emotion we feel, and it needs release. In order to bring harmony back into ourselves, it is vital that we must want to release the anger and return to our essential state of peace. Here are a few techniques that have been recommended by ancient gurus, alternative healing experts and psychologists which may help you release anger.
Physical exercise : A brisk walk or even something vigorous like dance or skipping have been known to release the build up of toxins in the body. Martial arts also allow us to release steam and promote our physical health at the same time.
Yogasanas and breathing exercises : Under the guidance of an experienced Yoga teacher one can help dispel anger and promote good health through yoga and breathing. One such example is kapalbhati for dispelling anger and other toxic emotions while toning the muscles and internal organs as well.
Healing crystals : Crystals like blue lace agate and howlite can absorb angry energies to some degree. These can be used during a healing session, meditation or carried around in the pocket.
Guided imagery : Visualization when combined with colour healing techniques works to release repressed images and memories associated with anger. However, caution should be taken when doing these practices alone and its best done under the guidance of a trained healer or practitioner.
Apart from these a number of other techniques are available, which have proven effective for millions of people down the centuries including mantras, aromatherapy and sound therapy. People should realize the importance of releasing anger to bring in peace.

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