Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

This is an article on an insight as to why laughter is the best medicine
-- Source of Information : Timeswellness.com --
The coinage laughter is the medicine has been used time and again; but in today’s stressful environment, laughter seems to be disappearing from our lives. On average people used to laugh at least 18 times a day, but today its just 6 minutes a day. On one hand children laugh 300 times a day but when it comes to adults, this frequency drops to 15 times a day.
Many researches have shown that laughter has thereupeutic benefits. According to some studies laughter therapy has shown to :
  • Boost the immune and circulatory system;
  • Relax muscles;
  • Increase oxygen intake;
  • Trigger the release of endorphins;
  • Improve mental functions;
  • Reduce stress;
  • Lead to quality life; and
  • Elevates the mood.
Dr Madan Kataria, Founder Laughter Yoga Movement says, “Researchers have proved that laughter has the ability to unwind the negative effects of stress: the catalyst for many of our health problems. More than 70% of illnesses - such as high blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety, depression, frequent coughs and colds, peptic ulcers, insomnia, allergies, asthma, tension headaches, stomach upsets and even cancer - are in some way related to stress.”
Laughter and sleep
The benefits of laughter first came to light with Norman Cousin’s memoir, Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins was diagnosed with a painful spine condition. Watching comedy shows and laughing helped him feel better. According to him ten minutes of laughter allowed him two hours of pain-free sleep.
Laughter and the heart
As per a research by the American College of Cardiology, University of Maryland done on 20 healthy people, it was reported that laughter was as beneficial to their arteries as aerobic exercises.
Laughter and cancer
All over the world there are hundreds of people in laughter clubs who suffer from cancer and many have reported that regular laughing sessions have brought a new hope into their lives. Scientific research has proved that laughter has a profound impact on the immune system, which decides the course of survival.
Dr Kataria says, “Laughter Yoga has been effectively implemented in many cancer hospitals helping the patients and the care givers to cope with the pain and trauma.” Swedish Cancer Hospital in Chicago, USA does regular Laughter Yoga while patients are taking chemotherapy.
Laughter and disabilities
Laughter has also made a major difference in the lives of many people with physical and mental disabilities. In Bangalore, the introduction of Laughter Yoga for mentally and physically challenged children has revealed a marked improvement in their motor and expressive skills and control in hyper activeness.
Dr Kataria says, “Many such people who come to these sessions in wheelchairs have shown tremendous improvement in their physical condition and mental health. Laughter Yoga has also been introduced in many blind schools and among the deaf and mute children to help them cope with their disabilities and generate a more positive attitude, which will help them to enhance their wellbeing.”
Laughter and senior citizens
In fact laughter has shown to have a positive impact on senior citizens as well. Faced with age related troubles, seniors find their physical and mental faculties on the decline. Since the cognitive abilities in seniors are compromised due to senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, they find it difficult to comprehend humour. Therefore, Laughter Yoga is the ideal form of exercise routine that can help them to get complete health benefits of laughter.
Thus, maybe we should take some time out during the day and laugh are way to good health.
Have any more interesting benefits of laughter? Share them with us and the rest of our reader, and let us all laugh our way to good health together.

Also check other health related articles on http://konkantribune.blogspot.com/search/label/Health%20%2F%20Fitness

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